# Shortcut back to Multimatch I # Multimatch-I  memory gameo

Click here to start or reset the game.    Hidden solution - a Multimatch I rectangle, all 24 tiles matched with uniform border     Turns:
# How to play the Memory Game:

Classic "concentration" game — behind each tile is an image. They are the 12 two-color tiles of our Multimatch I set. Click on a tile to turn it over and reveal an image. Then select a second tile, trying to find the matching image. If the images match, the tiles are removed from the board. Try to see how few turns you need to remove all of the tiles. A great score is 18-25, a good score is 26-30, over 30 — try again! Click on Start to reset the board.

When you've solved it, you'll see a neat surprise:  an amazing Multimatch I solution that has all 24 tiles matched, and the outside edge is all the same color. It's just one of the hundreds of beautiful challenges in the Multimatch I book you get when you buy the set.

This Memory Game program was developed by
and is licensed from KMG Associates.
Images created and customized by Kate Jones.

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©2004 Kadon Enterprises, Inc.